Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Review: Never Ending Spring

Out of Darkness was the first book that Darrell Case had so graciously allowed me to review.
I have received and now finished his new novel, Never Ending Spring. I must say that Never Ending Spring touched me deeply. The characters were very well developed; it felt as though I was living right beside every character!

You are introduced to the first murder starting on page one. I was taken in immediately!

The mystery and suspense grows higher and higher with each page that is turned. I loved this novel so much; I cannot say enough good things about it!

I HIGHLY RECOMMEND this novel to all who love a well-woven story full of surprises and God’s love and redemptions.

I thank Darrell Case for sending me this book so I may give an honest review.

On a personal note, Darrell Case has become one of my MOST favorite authors and cannot wait for more!

Rev. Lorrie J. Sims

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Book Review: in broken places by Michele Phoenix

As I finished the last couple of pages of “In Broken Places,” I wanted to cry. Not tears of sorrow, tears of joy! The book is a brilliant gift that brings its readers an understanding of how the Lord is in the heart of all His people. He meets us in our “woundedness, our brokenness, our daughterness, our betrayedness and our uncertain hopefulness.”
Michele Phoenix has an astonishing gift that truly is from the Lord! She speaks of being a Survivor, and it is evident in her characters. She brings them to life, and holds nothing back as the characters evolve in the story line.
Shelby and brother Trey grow up in an abusive home. Their father is a tyrant, yet their mother allows his behavior to continue until one day he takes it just too far. She throws him out and begins to mend the broken family. Only Shelby and Trey do not trust anymore, having developed their own coping skills, none of which is healthy!
Scarred and broken Shelby and Trey begin to figure life out as adults. In addition, just when Shelby feels she has reached some semblance of balance, wham…she receives the shock of her life. Her father has pasted and she is declared sole legal guardian of her father’s youngest child. Her past wounds from abuse fracture and expose her fragile “inner child” hence she struggles with the likelihood that she may not be a good mother figure.
Trey finds peace after a heartbreaking event, by means of trying to commit suicide. His recovery finds him longing to live the life he feels he finally deserves, hence opens a small French café.
Trey and Shelby bond even further as the story unfolds and begin to rely on one another like never before! Shelby has decided to choose a path that includes her half-sister, Shayla, moves to Germany to teach English at Black Forest Academy thus setting into motion a quest. She must learn to not only be a caring guardian, but also conquer the hurdles of a new country.
Can Shelby’s “inner child” be mended on this new quest? Will she discover that she is deserving of a life full of hopes and dreams? You will have to read this wonderful story to find out!!
Thank you Michele for allowing me to review your masterpiece... so I could write an honest review, this book was given to me by Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.
Rev. Lorrie J. Sims

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Prophets: Predictor

Predictor or one who declares by divine inspiration something that will take place in the future, near or distant.  Thus Isaiah the preacher became a predictor when he spoke predictively of a virgin who would conceive and bear a son whose name was to be “Immanuel.”
Predictive prophecies occur over four hundred times in the scripture, commenting on the two senses conveyed by the term prophet, summarizes:
When a prophet predicts, or foretells, he sees and represents the future in the light of the present;  when he rebukes, reproves, counsels, or admonishes as Jehovah’s representative messenger  *forth-telling rather than fore-telling * he portrays the present in the light of the future.
Predictive prophecy is the foremost proof to which the Word of God appeals on its own behalf.   It was the standing miracle by which God challenged faith in His inspired Word, defying all the worshipers of other gods and their sages and seers to produce any such proofs that their gods were worthy of worship or their prophets true representatives of a Divine religion.  (See Isa. 41:21-23)

Prophets: Preacher

A preacher can also be called a spokesman for God, a messenger with God’s message.  It was thus that Nathan the prophet functioned when he said to David after his seduction of Bathsheba, “Thou art the man!”  (2nd Sam. 12:7).  Similarly, John the Baptist, greatest among the prophets, apart from Christ, proclaimed, “Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”  (Matt. 3:2)

Sunday, March 3, 2013


The etymology of the word "Prophet" helps to determine the nature of prophecy.
1. It's Hebrew significance: there is some uncertainty as to the original meaning of the Hebrew word for prophet, but the word "hittiph" sometimes translated prophecy, primarily meaning "to let drop".
But the term "nabi" means "to call" or "name" or "announce". So the nabu or prophet was an "announcer," or "herald" of the divine will and word. "Nabi" is from a verb meaning "to boil forth" as a fountain, and represents one who speaks out freely from a full heart impelled by an inspiration from God.
2. It's Greek significance: the literal meaning of the Greek word for prophet is "to speak forth" or "a forth-teller," that is, one who speaks forth the message which has been communicated to him through divine inspiration.

There are 4 types of Prophets:
* A preacher
* A predictor
* A seer, or see-er
* And also patriots

I will explain each, in future updates.

God Bless!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Review: Escape to Big Fork Lake

Escape to Big Fork Lake is a wonderfully written story.

Sam finds herself in a situation that has her struggling financially and spiritually.  Sam has lost her job and is surviving barely, on unemployment and a small amount of saving that will soon run out.  She is enthusiastic to finding work but no one will hire her.  Her life is falling apart and Sam just can’t catch a break! 

Rob, a neighbor in her apartment building, is becoming increasingly violent towards her.  She wakes one night to find him in her apartment.  She realizes she must flee, but where does she go?  She has lived in the city all her life; she doesn’t have the means financially to run….what will happen to Sam?

Buy the book and read how God provides for Sam.  You’ll be delighted and surprised!

Escape to Big Fork Lake is a story about emotional loss, abandonment, intrigue, and love!  A mystery that involves murder and suspense, but most importantly, it’s a story of redemption!

Well written - a beautiful story!  I recommend this book highly.

Thank you Mary L Ball for sending me a free copy so that I could review it! 
Rev. Lorrie J Sims