Sunday, March 3, 2013


The etymology of the word "Prophet" helps to determine the nature of prophecy.
1. It's Hebrew significance: there is some uncertainty as to the original meaning of the Hebrew word for prophet, but the word "hittiph" sometimes translated prophecy, primarily meaning "to let drop".
But the term "nabi" means "to call" or "name" or "announce". So the nabu or prophet was an "announcer," or "herald" of the divine will and word. "Nabi" is from a verb meaning "to boil forth" as a fountain, and represents one who speaks out freely from a full heart impelled by an inspiration from God.
2. It's Greek significance: the literal meaning of the Greek word for prophet is "to speak forth" or "a forth-teller," that is, one who speaks forth the message which has been communicated to him through divine inspiration.

There are 4 types of Prophets:
* A preacher
* A predictor
* A seer, or see-er
* And also patriots

I will explain each, in future updates.

God Bless!

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